Women’s Basic Handgun Training – Report


Photo © Jack Keeling 2012

The NRA ‘First Step Pistol Course for Women’ held at the FOP Range, Fairhope, on Friday/Saturday 18/19th May 2012 was a great success in all respects with 27 ladies in attendance.

Many asked what type of class would be next and how soon! One suggested we consider putting on something for the youth in our community. Many expressed how much they learned and were very grateful. The Secretary and organizer of the event received an e-mail from one husband who said his wife had reservations about attending and was unsure whether the training was for her. He reported that she came home after the first evening all excited and had expressed how wonderful the class was.

Our Chief Instructor for the course was Tony Landenwich, a certified NRA instructor and FOP Associate member. Several Board members assisted in an instructor and helper capacity along with other FOP members and Law Enforcement officers. Three USAF Military Police drove all the way from Keesler Air Force Base on Saturday to assist with the practical drills and exercises. All instructors and helpers were volunteers and no one was paid for their assistance.

Jack Keeling, FOP member, kindly donated a very nice ladies concealed carry purse as a door prize. The first ticket drawn was that of Jack’s sister. She magnanimously decided that accepting the prize would look a little strange so requested another ticket be drawn. The winner was thrilled.

Jack also took photographs during the course and has made them available for us to view at view album. (Webmaster note: Sorry, the Google link no longer appears to be working).